Bring Conservation Home

Picture of York Village Trustees

York Village Trustees

Good morning Neighbors!

The sign announcing York Village’s β€œBring Conservation Home” initiative to restore the area by the sound wall has been placed. Thanks for your patience as this area will slowly transform from a weedy eyesore into a beautiful naturescape! We are currently applying for a grant through MSD to get funds to aid in the first phase of the project, which will address the runoff water direction, improving grade and adding beautiful native plantings by the sewer. We hope to be installing this rain garden section Spring 2022.

YOU can also β€œBring Conservation Home” to YOUR yard!!! The program is available to residents, as are grants of up to $3000 from MSD! and…/rainscaping/small-grants/. The second pic is on Sussex Drive, and marks our tiny native lamp-post garden, and our mission to keep adding more native plants to our home landscape. For those wondering Why Natives?, visit the MO Dept. of Conservation to learn more!

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